It’s been a busy year with several hatchings mostly brooded by Doris and her daughter Cagney. But “Mummy 3” got in on the act with Audrey Hepburn, Daisy and 7 of 9 all mothering 2 chicks together very peacefully. Miss Ellie and Xander.
“The Dots” were a particular highlight, Cagney’s second batch, Dotty, Motty and Titch. THe Dots were so called as they looked like dots on the webcam to mum for quite a while. Cagney, true to form, taught her charges how to roam outside the run and discovered the front garden as their own domain. They continue to be out and about most days, causing some of my concerned holiday cottage guests to phone me or ring the doorbell at 07:15am to tell me they were out!
This year unfortunately necessitated transport to see Oliver the gamekeeper for the surplus cockerels as Spring arrived and hormones surged they could not continue to live as bachelors happily. It is very sad but unfortunately nature provides more cockerels than we can keep or rehome.
More sad news we have to report the passing away of Big Betty and Henrietta, two of my original 4 girls.
The new hens are all laying now, beautiful little pullet eggs, and Lilibet managed to lay a double yolker as her first egg - which explained it’s larger size than I was expecting once cracked.
Zizzi has managed to escape visiting Oliver and has taken up residence in the Rose Garden run with Ladybird, Lilibet, Lucy, Sally and 4 little cockerels (for now). He is a beautiful boy with a lovely crow and large chest and looks after his girls very nicely.
Bertie continues to care for his 10 girls and Lacey assists. She has not crowed much recently but is still behaviourally quite boyish. She is very friendly and loves a cuddle.
Lots of refeathering is going on right now as the nights draw in and all the big girls have stopped laying. Cagney is stubbornly broody although Doris has given up on brood number 3 thankfully.
Hope this has caught up everyone on the 2020 goings on……