Basic Equipment
What I think you will definitely need:
Chicken Coop - get a good one with correct high level ventilation and wide perches
Covered Run - you will need a covered run in case of bird flu restrictions
Outdoor Space, fenced from predators, foxes, cats, dogs etc
Chicken Drinkers
Chicken Feeders
Chicken Food, layers pellets (grower pellets, chick crumb if you are raising chicks)
Chicken Bedding for the Coop - I like Aubiose Chopped Hemp Horse Bedding
Claw Clippers (Cat ones will work fine)
Red Mite Control Spray - I found SMITE is excellent, you dilute and use a hand sprayer
Scaly Leg Spray
Anti peck spray - disinfects & covers any wound with purple to prevent pecking from other hens
Poultry Disinfectant - antibacterial and antiviral type for coop cleaning yearly - I use Viratec-P
What you might choose to have in addition:
Diatomaceous Earth - controls mites and other unwanted insects when sprinkled in the coop
Chicken Treats e.g. sunflower hearts, dried mealworms, I get mine from the farm shop
Epsom Salts - for treatment of bumblefoot and other ailments
Tuf-foot Spray - antiseptic spray which toughens foot skin (used for greyhounds, chickens and people)
Wound Powder - Battles - this is a horse antiseptic powder for small wounds
Vaseline - for chicken combs in very cold weather to stop frost bite
Iodine Spray for small wounds
What you don’t need in my opinion
Coop Heaters - chickens are fine without heat to several degrees below freezing, they do need ventilation to prevent frost bite from moisture build up
Chicken clothing - they have feathers (who knew?), interfering with them is not sensible
Coop lighting - this interferes with the chicken’s natural biorhythms that control egg laying and moulting, healthy chickens are natural chickens I think
Chicken swings - mine are just not interested
Straw - it can harbour mites, moisture, mould and all sorts - use chicken bedding made from chopped hemp or wood chips
Incubators - if you have Pekins you will never need an incubator, chicken mums are best, and mum will teach the chicks everything they need to know